Approval Process
Military Community and Family Policy is a diverse organization with multiple offices and support staff across the globe. That means there is a strong reliance on electronic means of communication for development and review of routine documents, online content, print products, and electronic newsletters and publications. When submitting a document for review, ensure that it meets all requirements in this online style guide and use the following file-naming convention when saving a file:
- Contract name abbreviation (e.g., MODES)
- Program name (e.g., TRANSCOM, FAP, SECO)
- Product type (e.g., FactSheet, Flyer, PPT, TalkingPoints)
- Title (e.g., TaxTips, TransitionAssistance)
- Date (e.g., 5July2023)
- Initials of staff member submitting document (e.g., jad, LS, LL)
- Status (e.g., ForPMReview, ForOOReview, For508Approval, FINAL)
Add your initials for projects in progress:
- MODES-MyCAA-Article-MilitarySpouseSupport-5Oct2022-SKL-ForEdit
- MODES-FAP-Poster-KeepFamilySafe-2Feb2023-WF-ForDesign
Remove your initials from the final version or for files going to the government for review:
- MODES-CYF-FactSheet-SafeSleep-20Aug2023-ForPMReview
- MODES-MWR-Article-DODMWRLibrariesSummerReadingProgram-6July2023-ForOOReview
Some files will go into a database and be linked from online sources, so limit file names to the following:
- Letters
- Numbers
- Dashes (use in place of spaces)
- Periods
You may submit any documents for official MC&FP policy or program review via the Tasking Assignments and Reporting system. When submitting documents in the TAR, follow all naming conventions above. If spaces remain in a file name, a %20 will appear in each space when you save the file. This will cause your file name to appear as MOS%20versionDahlgren%2015Aug2020.pdf.
By adding a dash instead of a space, no additional characters will appear in the file name once you save it. This ensures the file will correctly open, once it uploads to the database and incorporates into a hyperlink, as MOS-versionDahlgren-15Aug2023.pdf. Do not use underscores in file names.
Visit the Military OneSource media page for information on the review process if you are outside MC&FP. You may also submit questions via our customer support system.